Their synthesis solutions can spend the brothers Mac can not run on it. Will be divided into two main groups of measures: the machine moves when not spend any way to open up, no sound, no screen brightness; and the machine moves when switched on spending but not on MacOS is. Hope this topic will help you in times of difficulties. Would you share more than the other way or if any as well as the experience of handling the Mac does not run up to be offline.
If you have followed the above steps and still SMC reset can not boot into MacOS as normal, do not worry, we can fix the problem by running into Recovery Mode. This is a special operating mode specifically for situations like this suffering.
But not on the machines running on the operating system be?
If your MacBook is running up, the screen is now just hanging apples but there forever (or just on MacOS was extinguished shortly), you are still lucky to be able to fix without spending a dime. Just follow the step by step guide below which they are to be.
There is one more very rare situations happen but I also met one time: Fire mainboard. MacBook Pro 2011 by his friend did not know how the fire mainboard, and of course, its symptoms are also not boot up, no silent on the matter despite full battery charge and is rechargea